Learning Lua Step-By-Step (Part 4)

This entry is part 5 of 25 in the series Learning Lua Step-By-Step

It’s important to close a file after you’re done working with it. Leaving a file open can lead to resource leaks and other issues, especially in long-running programs. Always remember to call io.close() when you’re finished with a file.

Learning Lua Step-By-Step (Part 3)

This entry is part 4 of 25 in the series Learning Lua Step-By-Step

Learn how Lua’s versatile data structures, including tables, arrays, and dictionaries, empower developers to efficiently organize and manipulate data. Explore tutorials, books, and online courses to deepen your understanding and master these essential concepts in Lua programming.

Learning Lua Step-By-Step (Part 2)

This entry is part 3 of 25 in the series Learning Lua Step-By-Step

Dive deeper into the fundamental building blocks of Lua programming. Learn about variables, conditional statements, functions, and loops. Explore how to get user input and control the flow of your Lua programs.

Learning Lua Step-By=Step

This entry is part 2 of 25 in the series Learning Lua Step-By-Step

Learn Lua programming from the ground up with this step-by-step tutorial. Explore the fundamentals of Lua, including data types, console output, and more. Perfect for beginners ages 10 and up.

Getting Ready to Learn Lua Step-By-Step

This entry is part 1 of 25 in the series Learning Lua Step-By-Step

This article is part of the Learning Lua Step-By-Step series. It covers the basics of setting up your Lua development environment and toolchain. This includes creating a “projects” directory and installing Git, Lua, and ZeroBrane Studio IDE (Integrated Development Environment) you will use for writing your Lua programs. Note that the only required software is

Introduction to the Python xml Module: Part 2

Learn how to efficiently handle XML data in Python using the xml module. This comprehensive tutorial covers everything from creating XML files to parsing, manipulating, and managing XML data within your Python projects.

Introduction to the Python xml Module: Part 1

Learn how to efficiently handle XML data in Python using the xml module. This comprehensive tutorial covers everything from creating XML files to parsing, manipulating, and managing XML data within your Python projects.

Understanding Python Decorators: Enhancing Functionality with Elegance

Enhance your Python programming skills with the definitive guide to Python 3 decorators. Discover their definition, usage, and implementation, along with insightful examples to propel your code to new heights of functionality and elegance.

Words of Encouragement and Acknowledgement of Impostor Syndrome for Developers

Impostor Syndrome, as articulated by this retired engineer, offers a profound insight into the evolution of expertise within one’s field. It delineates a trajectory familiar to many: the initial surge of confidence upon completing a CS course or bootcamp, swiftly followed by the humbling experience of entering the professional sphere and encountering individuals of greater experience and wisdom.

Introduction to Language-Oriented Programming

Explore the synergy between Language-Oriented Programming (LOP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in revolutionizing software development. Learn how domain-specific languages (DSLs) empower developers to express solutions intuitively, and discover the potential of AI in DSL design, development, and usage optimization.