So which is better? The answer to this question, like so many things in computer science is “it depends”.
Category: Retro Computing
Building Machines In Code
Regarding the difference between simulation and emulation:
Not limited to computers I use this distinction:
– A simulation mimics the outward appearance
– An emulation mimics the cause/process.
If you want to convince people that watching television gives you
stomach-aches, you can simulate this by holding your chest/abdomen and
Stepping Back in Time
Many of us have retired and are looking for something to do. Others have found themselves stuck at home and socializing much less due to the Covid outbreak. This has caused many of us to dig out our old dusty computer systems and begin re-living the magical adventures we had when the web was still the future, BBSs were the rage, real programmers used assembly, BASIC was for everyone, and nerds knew every detail of the hardware they used!
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