Introduction to Electronics for Hobbyists

Introduction to Electronics for Hobbyists
This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Introduction to Electronics

Electronics is an exciting and rewarding hobby that allows you to build your own circuits and devices. This introduction explains the basics of electricity, including voltage, current, and resistance, and how they work together in electronic circuits. You’ll also learn about Ohm’s Law, which helps you calculate the relationship between these key concepts. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refresh your knowledge, this guide will give you a solid foundation to explore the world of electronics.

Setting Up a PHP Development Environment on Ubuntu 24.04

Upgrading Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 on a server running ISPConfig 3.x can be done safely, but requires careful preparation. In this guide, we discuss how to back up your server, verify ISPConfig compatibility, and perform the upgrade process. By following these steps, you can ensure that the upgrade is smooth and that your websites and services continue running without interruption.

Managing Old Kernels on Ubuntu: A Custom Kernel Removal Script

Managing Old Kernels on Ubuntu: A Custom Kernel Removal Script

Over time, Ubuntu retains all installed kernel versions, which can consume a significant amount of space on your system. This article introduces a custom Bash script that allows users to easily remove old kernels interactively, freeing up space and updating GRUB automatically. We also discuss why Ubuntu would benefit from an integrated kernel removal mechanism that keeps only the most recent versions while allowing users to preserve older ones if needed.

Understanding Unicode: A Deep Dive into Universal Text Encoding

Understanding Unicode: A Deep Dive into Universal Text Encoding

Unicode is a universal encoding standard designed to support every language and symbol in use today. This article provides an in-depth look into how Unicode works in application development, exploring the challenges of string comparison, normalization, and the multiple ways that the same visual character can be represented. Learn how to handle Unicode strings in Python, JavaScript, and C, and discover how normalization can resolve issues when comparing visually identical characters.

Running Python CGI Scripts on Apache 2 with ISPConfig 3

Running Python CGI Scripts on Apache 2 with ISPConfig 3

Running Python CGI scripts on an Apache 2 server with ISPConfig 3 enables dynamic content generation using server-side scripting. This article provides a step-by-step guide to configuring Apache, enabling CGI, and running Python scripts through the cgi-bin directory, ensuring compatibility with ISPConfig’s website management.

Introduction to Code Pages: Legacy Character Encoding Systems

Introduction to Code Pages: Legacy Character Encoding Systems

Code pages were once the backbone of character encoding in computers, providing a way to map binary values to text in different languages. However, they had significant limitations, particularly when dealing with multiple languages at once. This article explores the history of code pages, how they were used, and why they have been largely replaced by the modern Unicode standard, which offers a universal character set for all languages.